59 – Mirror Revenge, Underage Death, and Disturbing Sound

This episode’s lineup:

1. Mirrors 2 (2010) directed by Víctor García

2. The Orphanage (2007) directed by J. A. Bayona

3. Hard Candy (2005) directed by David Slade

4. Nightmare Cinema (2018) directed by Alejandro Brugués, Joe Dante, Ryūhei Kitamura, David Slade, and Mick Garris

5. Greener Grass (2019) directed by Jocelyn DeBoer and Dawn Luebbe

6. Berberian Sound Studio (2012) directed by Peter Strickland

7. Spoiler Free Watched Recently Stuff

If you liked what you heard, you may be interested in watching The Bloody Reuben, a horror/comedy I wrote and directed.

Also, check out Sticker Fridge